
Unwrap Kindness: Better Lives RI Holiday Giving

The holiday season is a time of warmth and joy. Most importantly, it is a time for giving. At Better Lives RI, we believe in the power of kindness and the incredible impact it can have on individuals and communities. 

As we immerse ourselves in the holiday season, let’s not forget that working families in Rhode Island are living paycheck-to-paycheck with no guarantee of where their next meal will come from. 

For nonprofits like Better Lives RI, we rely on holiday giving to start the new year strong. Up to 31% of annual charitable contributions happen in December, and we hope you consider Better Lives RI for your annual giving. 

The holiday season is more than just a time for celebrations. It’s a time to extend our hands and hearts to those facing challenges, hardships, and uncertainties. Our commitment to fostering positive change and creating better lives for Rhode Island’s unhoused and low-income families is at the core of everything we do.

How We Make a Difference

Throughout the year, we work tirelessly to offer outreach and support that gets Rhode Islanders employed or connected with housing opportunities — alongside our weekly meal site and food pantry, our ultimate goal is to make the lives of struggling Rhode Islanders more well-rounded and lead them back to a state of self-sufficiency. 

Hunger should never be a concern, especially during the holidays. Better Lives RI volunteers work tirelessly to stock our pantry shelves and to put together nourishing hot meals on Friday nights. For many, it is their only hot meal of the day. As the weather gets colder, a nourishing hot meal is crucial — a $15 donation helps to make these meals possible

Our commitment to building a better community doesn’t stop during the holidays. Whether it’s volunteering at shelters, organizing drives, or supporting educational initiatives, we strive to create lasting positive change in the lives of those around us. 

The spirit of giving knows no bounds, and you too can make a difference. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness, contributes to our collective efforts to make this holiday season brighter for everyone. Something as simple as sharing our message on social media can expand our reach and help us to connect with potential donors.

Consider contributing to our initiatives and help us continue our efforts in creating better lives for our community. Even a small donation can make a significant impact.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with love, warmth, and the spirit of giving!

Warm regards,

The Better Lives RI Team