
Snow, Rain & The Unhoused

The first snowfall hit Rhode Island this January in over a year. While snow makes for picturesque scenery in Rhode Island, it sets a daunting challenge for our low-income and unhoused neighbors. 

At Better Lives RI, we recognize the pressing need to address the needs of struggling families. However, these needs are amplified by snowy weather, which brings a series of damages to those unprepared or ill-equipped to face the winter. 

The Cold Reality – Health Risks:

The immediate health risks posed by winter weather are significant. Frostbite, hypothermia, and respiratory issues become heightened concerns as temperatures plummet. Exposure to extreme cold not only exacerbates existing health conditions but also puts individuals at risk of life-threatening complications.

Rhode Island residents living in encampments, tents, or under bridges deal with the consequences of snow and it’s aftermath; when the snow melts, it can wash away resources, dampen clothes, ruin food supplies, and force movement to safer, higher grounds. Wet, dirty tents and clothes don’t make for a healthy situation, especially for the unhoused

Mental Health Impact:

Enduring harsh weather conditions without proper shelter takes a toll on mental health. The struggle to find warmth and safety exacerbates stress and anxiety — many are left wondering when they will ever feel warm again. Winter outreach programs must address not only physical health but also provide vital mental health support. Better Lives RI is committed to recognizing and addressing the well-being of those we serve.

Solutions and Support:

Better Lives RI is dedicated to providing solutions and support to mitigate the health risks associated with homelessness during winter, but we cannot do it alone. Year-round, we work to connect low-income and unhoused Rhode Islanders with services that can secure them permanent housing, employment, and the opportunity to thrive. 

Additionally, you can take the crucial step of contacting your elected representatives, who can use their positions to procure resources for people living in tents, under bridges, or in alleyways.

A full list of Rhode Island representatives is available here

Your support makes this possible. Donate today at BetterLivesRI.org/donate.

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