October 13, 2023

About Us (new)

Paula Hudson

Paula Hudson is the Executive Director of Better Lives RI. She began her tenure with the team as a case manager in 2018.

Paula’s leadership shines as she oversees a dedicated team of employees, working tirelessly to aid the vulnerable. Witnessing their unwavering passion for the cause fuels her drive to do better for the community.

“Very early in my BLRI career,” Paula remembers, “A family came to us for help. Mom and Dad were living in a truck, their five-year-old son was staying with a relative and Mom was seven months pregnant. We (Me, Mom & Dad) all worked tirelessly to get them out of the truck and into a home. On the day Mom delivered a baby girl, Dad was at Providence Housing Authority receiving their Section 8 voucher. The following week they signed a lease on a beautiful apartment.”

Though her work also deals with the political struggle to get the unhoused attention and resources they deserve, she remains a determined advocate for those in need.

Elizabeth Messier

Elizabeth Messier is the Board Treasurer at Better Lives RI, joining after a recommendation from friends at Grace Church in Providence four years ago. Her financial expertise and positive outlook make her an invaluable asset.

Elizabeth finds fulfillment in witnessing the remarkable achievements of Paula Hudson and her resourceful team, who achieve so much with limited resources.

“Rhode Island is a small state fortunate to have several wonderful agencies helping to feed the hungry and house the homeless,” she believes. “But we still haven’t reached all of the folks who need help, and we need funding to be able to assist more people.”

Elizabeth Messier’s work drives Better Lives RI toward a brighter future. She is highlighted as the “best at crunching numbers” as she combines financial insight with a caring heart to make a difference.

Amy Joseph Santiago

Amy Joseph Santiago is an Outreach Case Manager at Better Lives RI, where she utilizes compassion to bring necessary change.

With a tenure of just under two years, Amy transitioned to her role to actively engage in outreach opportunities, embodying the organization’s core values along the way.

Amy’s advocacy efforts on a statewide level highlight her commitment to making a broader impact, while her daily challenges include delivering tough news to clients in need. Having to tell clients there aren’t enough resources to help everyone, she believes, is an emotional challenge that many Rhode Islanders might not realize.

Through her role, Amy Joseph Santiago contributes immensely to Better Lives RI’s mission, touching lives and empowering the community. Her “fight-to-the-finish” attitude helps in ensuring that nobody in need is

Shamus Durac

Shamus Durac serves as the Board Vice President at Better Lives RI, leveraging a background in health care for impactful change. With a long tenure as a Senior Attorney and Health Policy Analysis with RIPIN, Shamus
has experience when it comes to advocacy.

Shamus finds reward in witnessing the concrete results achieved by the team, improving the lives of many Rhode Islanders struggling to make it day to day.

“So much of a person’s health is determined by things like the environment in which they live, their access to sufficient healthy food, and the support systems around them,” Shamus believes. “Better Lives RI is such an important part of providing support in accessing housing and food resources to members of our community in need of support.”

Behind the scenes, he faces the challenge of juggling multiple roles within a small nonprofit—balancing ground-level tasks, grant writing, and more. A team as tight-knit as Better Lives RI shares many hats and duties — a workflow that is aided by donations and grants!

Paul Starks

Paul Starks serves as a Homeless Outreach Coordinator at Better Lives RI, a role he’s assumed since 2023. Paul has embraced his role as an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Case Management is more than an occupation for him, it is a passion that hosts a crucial role for Rhode Islanders.

For Paul, the most rewarding aspect of his job is the simple act of helping people. This dedication to assisting others fuels his commitment.

Amid the daily tasks, Paul highlights a simple, often overlooked tool — listening. He understands that many individuals simply yearn to be heard, seeking someone to lend an ear to their struggles. A simple discussion can make a person’s day, and bring the peace and comfort needed to thrive through difficult situations.

Not all clients are the same. It takes a special soul to walk through difficult conversations. Paul’s contributions have helped Better Lives RI to thrive with our case management services.

Daniel Parent

Daniel Parent serves as the Secretary at Better Lives RI, a role he assumed through the recommendation of his wife in 2022. Daniel’s commitment to the cause has been recognizable from the start.

“I can see the overwhelming need in RI for the services that Better Lives RI provides,” he states, “The organization does so much with so little.”

Like any organization, it takes a village to make Better Lives RI function The most fulfilling aspect of his role is the awareness that his contributions play a role in securing safe housing and nourishing meals for those in need. This sense of purpose drives his dedication.

Daniel’s role as Secretary reflects his commitment to creating a lasting impact. He doesn’t take a single case for granted.

“Every time I hear that we have housed another individual or family it reaffirms that the work we are doing matters. No one should ever have to live in the streets.”


Matt Sheridan is a valued Board Member at Better Lives RI, channeling his energy into fostering positive experiences for the Better Lives RI team and the people they assist. With a professional background as a VP in Marketing, Matt brings crucial communication skills and an exceptional leadership style to the board.

For Matt, the most rewarding aspect of his position is the knowledge that Better Lives RI stands as a lifeline for those truly in need. But as Matt will admit, the work is never done.

“Unfortunately, the number of people who need the type of assistance we provide is only growing,” he states. “Our group has the infrastructure and ideas on how to reach more people and improve more lives but, funding
is the limiting factor.”

Matt’s call for both volunteers and contributions showcases the collective effort needed to uplift the lives of those seeking assistance through Better Lives RI. “I follow the idea: try and leave the world a better place than you found it. This is easy to say but hard to do.  The work of Better Lives RI provides an opportunity to help others and, hopefully, make the RI community a little bit better.” 


Jane Eastman serves as a Board Member at Better Lives RI, weaving her 40 years of involvement in the church into her daily workload.

Her journey traces back to 1980 when she joined Beneficent Church, one of the organization’s founding member churches. Jane’s longstanding connection led her to the board in 2008, and she rejoined two years ago, amassing a remarkable 15-year tenure. This, combined with her 31 years of experience with the RI Tax Division, helps to bring a unique perspective to daily operations.

For Jane, the essence of her role lies in the satisfaction of knowing that Better Lives RI is a beacon of hope for its clients. The people most in need of our services are in dire need of attention, and Jane is inspired by how much Better Lives RI has provided in her time with the organization.

However, she is also aware of the limitations. “BLRI is a little-known agency that does not have deep pockets. We strive to raise money through grants and private donations but it is always a struggle. We have some very faithful donors that always come through for us and that is very satisfying.”

Kevin Nelson

Kevin Nelson serves as a devoted Board Member at Better Lives RI, driven by faith’s call to aid those in need.

Recruited by a friend who works for BLRI, Kevin’s journey to the board began 1.5 years ago. For Kevin, the heart of his role lies in his faith that the organization is doing good for the unhoused community. Collaborating
with the inspiring BLRI staff adds to the rewarding nature of his work.

Amid the meaningful work, Kevin grapples with a challenge that often remains unseen—the financial limitations of the organization. “Better Lives RI is an amazingly dedicated and efficient organization,” he believes.
“Unfortunately, it does not have the name recognition of larger agencies so we are limited in the funds that we can raise, and therefore the help we can provide.”

Diane Vendetti

Diane is Better Lives’ Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Administrator. Coming from a background of Financial Management, Diane’s extensive background offers incredible benefits to Rhode Islanders in need. She began with us as an Intake and HMIS Admin expert during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has continued to use her expertise to help the vulnerable.

“Nearly 60% of the agency’s funding is from government grants,” Diane states, “Which means we must spend money first and then request reimbursement. These grants are also restricted to particular programs and
activities which limits what we are able to do. Donor contributions are unrestricted and give us flexibility to do more.”

With a 3-year tenure as of 2023, Diane maintains a people-focused approach and is motivated by the needs of the clientele to do her best every day. Diane values long-term professional relationships and even keeps in touch with her first ever client in 2020 to ensure their continued support. “it took almost a year to get him off the streets and into a permanent subsidized apartment,” she said, “But we did it!”